31 St James’s Square

The 31 St James’s Square project was based around the brand idea “From here, the world”. It was the job of River Film to produce a film that encapsulated the synergy between the excellence of the building and the power of its location. From this location you could reach out to the world and the world could reach in to you.

Rather than opting from a fly-through (as we felt this would negate the excellence of the location of the building), we chose to bring the surroundings, which are rich in history, art and culture, inside of the building itself. To do this we told the story of a fantastical character who brings about change within the building both physically and metaphorically.

At River Film we are incredibly proud of the outcome of this project as it was a piece of groundbreaking experimental work. Despite being fairly avant-garde, all of the stakeholders were completely aligned with how the production and storyboard materialised.

When it comes to producing excellent film content, at River Film we focus on visualising the experience and not the architecture. On this project that was the key to constructing something truly memorable and game-changing.



